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Gracias a todos con los que he tenido la suerte de conectarme hasta ahora en este camino. QuƩ experiencia tan divina es compartir la presencia con almas tan increƭbles en todo este mundo.

Aquƭ estamos, mientras caminamos a casa a travƩs de los bloqueos, aumentando la conciencia y creciendo juntos en conectividad como una familia global.


Estoy agradecido por estas experiencias contigo. HĆ”blame de tu sesiĆ³n. Me sentirĆ­a honrado de leer acerca de su experiencia Ćŗnica conmigo.

White WIld Flowers

I am so grateful for Sarah Snow, and immensely glad that I reached out for her mentorship. She helped me to connect some major “life” puzzle pieces that I was struggling with, and walked by my side to a place where I now understand more than I ever have about “the big picture” and how to direct my focus and energy within it.

The space that Sarah creates is sacred, and her presence within it is rich with intuition, love, and grace. She flowed with me in this space, observed what was in my heart, reciprocated joy for the things I had ascertained, and skillfully illuminated staircases toward things I hadn’t.


It felt as if I came to Sarah with a heap of possible “keys” I’d collected all my life, and she helped me to identify and clean the ones that will truly open doors. It was one of the most incredible spiritual growth experiences I’ve had; it was exactly what I needed at this point in my spiritual journey.

- Phil Price

United States

Hot spring in the forest

Working with Sarah gave me clarity on a great many things.


She taught me that my mind has more control over my life than I ever thought, and that to use it I had to find balance within my life and myself.


She was also extremely open to conversation and deep discussions about things, and always is genuinely interested in what I had to say.


She levelled with me in a way nobody ever really had before and I am impressed at just how much my life changed after one session


Highly recommended for anyone. 

Dante Batra

United States


I am beyond blessed to work with Sarah. Not only is she an exceptional human being; she is also profoundly wise intuitive and knowledgeable in her field of expertise.


When I came to her I was seriously unwell and in the shortest time she helped me to overcome and work through my chronic pain and other areas of physical malaise.


I honestly cannot recommend her highly enough. Beautiful inside and out.


As a professional trauma therapist myself I know the importance of a heart to heart connection and Sarah brings this and so much more.


She is a true example of an Angel of Love, Light and Healing.

Carmel Clark



I really wanted to thank you for today, from the very deeps of my soul and the love of God THANK YOU!!!  I promise I will continue working with you. 


There is so much to be said about my appoint with Sarah Snow today. She is genuine, down to earth, and real.


There is no other way of saying this, but I thank God that I had this meeting today. It has reaffirmed and reinforces everything I have known, but not fully acted on.


There are magic moments in one’s life, but this was miraculously amazing.  


Her reading was accurate and precise and touched on not only what I had to work on, but how to connect with others in a major way.  


Thank you, Sarah for bringing back a piece of home. 

Philip E.

United States

Close Up of Pink Roses

Las palabras no pueden empezar a describir mi transformaciĆ³n en los Ćŗltimos meses.


Vi a Snow por primera vez hace 3 meses cuando no estaba conectado a tierra, estaba perdido y fragmentado. HabĆ­a pasado por uno de los momentos mĆ”s difĆ­ciles de mi vida. Mis encuentros con Snow me sacan de la falsa percepciĆ³n de la realidad, lo descomponen todo de la manera mĆ”s amorosa y gentil (pero aĆŗn intensa), y aunque ella no estĆ” fĆ­sicamente aquĆ­ conmigo mientras viajo por el dĆ­a de mi vida para dĆ­a, sus palabras y energĆ­a se llevan conmigo. Ella me ha enseƱado que no importa lo oscuro que parezca, todo es gracia y todo perfecto.  


Su fe, su confianza y su creencia en la parte mĆ”s elevada de mĆ­ me elevan a una vibraciĆ³n cada vez mĆ”s alta cada dĆ­a, y recuerdo quiĆ©n soy realmente. Ella tiene una energĆ­a de amor puro, aceptaciĆ³n y compasiĆ³n, y tiene un espacio para mĆ­ poderosamente a pesar de que estĆ” al otro lado del mundo.  


He visto a muchos sanadores, psĆ­quicos y entrenadores, y nunca he confiado en nadie de la forma en que confĆ­o en Snow. Todo lo que ella me sugiere se alinea con mi alma, asĆ­ que hago todo lo que ella sugiere. Esto ha contribuido a una gran transformaciĆ³n en tan poco tiempo. Me siento muy honrado de estar en este viaje con ella.

Gracias, Snow, por lo que haces. xoxoxox

Debbie Baharian


Orange Blossom

Working with Sarah has been extremely valuable. 


The sessions were full of insights and revelations, to the point where listening to the sessions again (often more than once) was absolutely necessary in order to 'get' everything that was being said. 

the change in my life has been mostly about relaxing more in the awareness that I am, and letting go of the limiting and confused thoughts that pop in, to bigger space of awareness. This may seem like a small thing to get, but it's definitely not, the impact of it has been profound in most (if not all) areas of my life. 


These include a greater sense of peace; a knowing that I am that I am able to face any perceived challenge that comes up in my life; the sense of joy and appreciation for life that has always been in the background of my life has increased and expanded; and I was able to commit to making decision that will for sure change the course of the rest of my life. 


If you're struggling in your life, whether it's because of something specific, or even if you're just bothered by a nagging sense of discontent, work with Sarah and listen to the sessions more than once. If your experience is anything like mine, your experience of life, and your level of awareness will improve a lot!

John S


Calm Lake

I would definitely recommend Labyrinth Holistic Health for anyone seeking healing. 


I got the Emotional Healing Package and it was 100% worth it. I am much better now after our healing sessions and I am eternally grateful for what Sarah has helped me work through. 

Sarah is very gifted and God/Source really works through her to get you what you needs. 

Greg Cox

United States

Sea Salt

...a very heart-felt “Thank you”.  I’m still processing our session and I’m in deep gratitude for you and the “work” we will be doing together in the near future. I’m feeling very different since speaking with you.


My heart is lighter yet, there’s an intensity and focus that’s new…. and a Peace I have rarely felt before. It will be July when we start our next session and I cannot wait! I send you happy thoughts and love. Until we meet again… In gratitude      

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Sarah is endowed with the Holy Light that shines brighter than usual. Her grace and wisdom will help you unfold and feel at home and as if speaking with an old friend.


Her wisdom is deep so listen well and sit on it. Sarah may open a page at random in a book and start reading a portion that seems carved for you.This is in the flow of the Light.


She is opening up to humanity a more clear understanding of the very nature of Jesus. Sarah helped me resolve some of the important lingering questions I had in my soul about Jesus since my deconversion from Christianity's dogmas.


I can witness that she was used by the Divine to give me direction and tools to deal with my burdens that I shared with her. Sarah, Thank you for being real.


Orange Blossom

No words for my appreciation, Sarah.


Just thank you from the depths of my heart.

Kendall LaPorte

United States

Adorable Chick

Sarah (Snow) has helped me so much with things I did not even know myself that I needed to work on.


She is very present, calm, non-judgmental, intuitive and wise.


I highly recommend a session with her no matter what you are seeking in your life. You won't regret it.

Carla Trewitz

United States

Field of Flowers

Speaking to you really solidified my reality and purpose.


That was my biggest hurdle, fully believing what I am and what I’m here to do.


Much love to you and many blessings on your journey.


Jamie Hincapie

United States

Wheat Field

Thank you so much Sarah for today's session. 


I felt such a strong connection with you and your beautiful light and energy. I sincerely appreciated all of the wisdom and insightful guidance that you shared with me. 


I feel such a beautiful sense of love and calmness in this moment. 

I look forward to our next session and connecting again on an even deeper level. 


You are so eloquent in your words and wisdom. I love you, thank you, and sincerely appreciate you. 


You are amazing and such a gift. Thank you for your continued service and inspiration. āœØāœØāœØ



John Jane

United States

Glass Cup

Dear Sarah, 


Wow, that was the best counselling session I ever had. It's like Ive been reading stuff like the 12 steps to learn to meditate and totally missed it and knew I was missing something and asking why isn't this working for me? 


Since our conversation, I totally get stop trying and just be. 


I feel like we got to a huge root that was in my way to progress and so instead of going around the root, we just addressed it, moved through it so it dissolves and we move forward. 


I have been trying so hard for so long, and now I no longer try, I'm just being in the moment, whatever that is. 


Thank you so much. Right now I feel so much joy and peace in knowing that I have choice and so many possibilities. 

Anita Ostrander

United States

Green Leaves

What is experienced in this communication - or rather 'communion' - with Sarah comes from beyond words and beyond physical appearances.


The mind tries to grasp it and does not succeed, but the heart fully embraces it in stillness and in peace.


Sarah, you are a gift to humanity.

Adriaan Van Spanje


Afternoon Light

Sarah (Snow) me ha ayudado mucho con cosas en las que ni siquiera sabĆ­a que necesitaba trabajar.


Ella estĆ” muy presente, tranquila, sin prejuicios, intuitiva y sabia.

Recomiendo encarecidamente una sesiĆ³n con ella sin importar lo que estĆ©s buscando en tu vida.

No te arrepentirƔs.

Carla Trewitz

Estados Unidos

Autumn Road

Mis sesiones con Sarah han sido transformadoras.  


Las sesiones ayudaron a darme afirmaciones sobre el propĆ³sito de mi vida y me permitieron sentirme aĆŗn mĆ”s centrado.  


Ella tambiĆ©n tenĆ­a mucho espacio para permitirme sanar mi cuerpo, y en un corto perĆ­odo de tiempo, mis hormonas estĆ”n reguladas, mi eccema finalmente se estĆ” curando y tengo mĆ”s vitalidad a lo largo del dĆ­a.  


Ā”RecomendarĆ­a encarecidamente a cualquier persona que quisiera curarse y tener mĆ”s claridad sobre su vida que conociera a Sarah! 

Bevlyn Khoo



Sarah Snow es una maestra intuitiva de primer orden.  Su capacidad para recibir informaciĆ³n estĆ” en un nivel que la mayorĆ­a no creerĆ­a posible.  


Sarah es la mĆ©dium / musa mĆ”s conectada y talentosa que puedes esperar encontrar cuando buscas sanar, sobresalir o incluso simplemente tener una charla sobre la vida. Ella es una excelente consejera y crĆ­tica amigable.  


Hay pocos vivos hoy en dĆ­a que puedan proporcionar el tipo de servicios que ofrece Sarah. 

Ella es amada.

Atesoro mi tiempo con ella.

Le agradezco todo lo que hace.  




Libertad para Scott

Estados Unidos

Tropical Leaves

La nieve es increƭblemente adaptable y estƔ llena de sabidurƭa. Lo que ella comparte conmigo es tan rico, prƔctico e integrador.


Las herramientas que me ha dado son poderosas, efectivas e inspiran un crecimiento saludable.


Sus consejos son como semillas que no solo estƔn dando cuando se plantan inicialmente, sino que siguen deshaciƩndose en su riqueza.


Arroja nueva luz sobre partes de mƭ mismo de las que soy menos consciente y me brinda mucha claridad para navegar mi vida con mƔs confianza y seguridad en mi valor y me da mucha esperanza en mis momentos de lucha.


Paseos al sol


Climbing Plants

Trabajar con Snow ha sido una gran oportunidad para ver las recompensas del enfoque y la intenciĆ³n.


Ā”Combinado con la sabidurĆ­a y la guĆ­a de responsabilidad de un entrenador transformador!

Doug Allen

Estados Unidos


La nieve tiene la capacidad de llevarte a un lugar de claridad y alineaciĆ³n, fĆ”cilmente sosteniĆ©ndote en tu proceso de dejar ir ...


Ella me ha ayudado a alinearme con mi verdad innata para que se puedan recordar aspectos de mi soberanĆ­a.

Joy Phan


red flower

QuƩ gran intercambio contigo Sarah ...


eres increĆ­ble y sentĆ­ que me conocĆ­as profundamente de mi alma y me diste una gran guĆ­a.  Siento una fuerte conexiĆ³n contigo y tus palabras me afirmaron mucho.


Definitivamente los recomendarĆ© a mis amigos, familiares y cualquier persona que necesite orientaciĆ³n sobre su "Camino del Alma".


Eres increĆ­ble y estuve literalmente vibrando despuĆ©s. Siento un cambio y definitivamente te buscarĆ© mientras sigo viviendo "a propĆ³sito


Ā”Mucho amor!


Marina Echavarria

Estados Unidos

Plant Shadow _edited.jpg

... No puedo agradecer lo suficiente a Sarah por presentarme su trabajo de respiraciĆ³n. Esta es una adiciĆ³n hermosa, simple pero profunda a mi arsenal.


No sĆ© quĆ© va a pasar a continuaciĆ³n, pero algo en mĆ­ dice, sigue adelante.


Muchas gracias, Sarah, ahora siento que estoy lista para conocerme. tienes razĆ³n, es una activaciĆ³n.


Me alegro de haberte encontrado.


Barbi Barbz


White Flowers

ExperimentĆ³ una conexiĆ³n instantĆ”nea con Sarah.


Su juventud estĆ” en forma humana solo cuando canaliza la sabidurĆ­a de alguien que se siente tener un millĆ³n de aƱos.


Sarah irradia amor intenso y sabe que eso es profundamente personal.


Me ayudĆ³ a conectarme de inmediato con un arquetipo que necesitaba darse a conocer y llenar las piezas de mi propĆ³sito divino, que era profundamente profundo y resonante.


Me siento honrado y agradecido de haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con Sarah y experimentar su don de sanaciĆ³n y conexiĆ³n con el universo.



Jennifer Soccorsi

Estados Unidos


 Ā”Estoy escribiendo esto como seguimiento de la SesiĆ³n de ActivaciĆ³n del Camino del Alma que me facilitĆ³ a principios de esta semana! De buenas a primeras, creĆ³ un espacio abierto y acogedor para mĆ­ como cliente, Ā”y el flujo de la conversaciĆ³n fue tan fĆ”cil como revelador!

Sarah es definitivamente el verdadero negocio.

Ā”Ella me dio una lectura precisa sobre dĆ³nde me encuentro en mi viaje espiritual, el papel de un ser querido en mi vida y consejos prĆ”cticos sobre cĆ³mo tomar mi poder! No solo su sabidurĆ­a es invaluable, su presencia tambiĆ©n es increĆ­blemente amorosa.

La sesiĆ³n fue como ponerse al dĆ­a con un viejo amigo.

Estoy muy agradecida por la experiencia de trabajar con ella y espero poder utilizar sus servicios en el futuro. Si estĆ” considerando trabajar con Sarah en cualquier puesto, le animo a que lo siga.


Ray Ketty

Estados Unidos


Mi sesiĆ³n con Snow fue verdaderamente transformadora.


Aprender sobre el propĆ³sito de mi alma y comunicarme en un nivel vibratorio alto fue una conexiĆ³n muy necesaria.


LleguĆ© a la sesiĆ³n sintiĆ©ndome sin conexiĆ³n a tierra y un poco confundido.

Salƭ sintiƩndome centrado y conectado con mi verdad mƔs elevada.


Recomiendo Snow a cualquiera que busque orientaciĆ³n a lo largo de su camino.


Tenemos el poder y el conocimiento ...


La nieve solo nos ayuda a recordar y traernos de regreso.


Al'der Mehani


California Academy of Sciences

Hay mucho que decir sobre mi cita con Sarah Snow hoy.  


Ella es genuina, con los pies en la tierra y real.  


No hay otra forma de decir esto, pero agradezco a Dios que tuve esta reuniĆ³n hoy.

Ha reafirmado y reforzado todo lo que he sabido, pero no he actuado en su totalidad.


Hay momentos mĆ”gicos en la vida de uno, pero esto fue preciso y tocĆ³ no solo en lo que tenĆ­a que trabajar, sino tambiĆ©n en cĆ³mo conectarme con los demĆ”s de una manera importante.  


Gracias Sarah, por traerme un pedazo de casa.  


Phillip Elcock

Estados Unidos

Wild Flowers

Creo en la serendipia / sincronicidad, como se llame. Conocer a Sarah, aunque virtual, es fortuito.  


Soy muy afortunado de cruzarme con esta hermosa y generosa persona.  


Mis conclusiones de nuestra sesiĆ³n son 'sĆ© consciente al usar' deberĆ­a 'y' podrĆ­a 'y' es tu propia voz la que escuchas cuando tu yo superior se comunica contigo 'porque esperaba un extraƱo susurro en el aire.: P  


Sarah, gracias desde el fondo de mi corazĆ³n. 

Me ayudaste a encontrar la respuesta a una pregunta fundamental con la que he estado lidiando durante mĆ”s de 20 aƱos.  


Langkara Larow


My session with Sarah was a catalyst in connecting my spiritual experiences with my practical life and the expansion that I felt burgeoning.


Elements of my life that once felt erratic, intense and startling, came into alignment with her guidance and intuitive nudging.


What was central to the potency of the session was Sarah’s insistence on lifting the sublime nature and simplicity of an awakened life that I felt existed but could not find. It is with a gentle whisper we are all changed,


Sarah speaks with these whispers, fluently, so much so that she helped me find and trust it within myself.


What she offers is a confident companion willing to take your hand and help you find your way home after the street lights have come on… be prepared to meet yourself.”






United States

Yellow And White Flowers

I am still glowing after my session with Sarah yesterday and looking forward to listening to the recording. 


It was a beautifully wholistic, symbiotic connection that got right to the heart of the matter and felt like an on the spot healing.


I felt so affirmed and nurtured and so attuned to the guided meditations and non-verbal visions and sensations, it left me wanting more.


After the session the physical distress I was feeling had disappeared and has stayed disappeared today. I feel hopeful and excited and truly grateful.

Anne Nayer

US Virgin Islands

Wild Nature

Sarah is a beautiful vessel of sacred truth and wisdom. My session with her was so deep and so profound; it shook me to my core.


It’s taken me months to integrate and prepare to live into her words.


I’ve returned to our recording, and I’ve used it to orient myself on my journey.

I hold deep gratitude to Sarah for her being and her work in this world.


Shine on.

Sakeenah S. El-Amin

United States

Hot spring in the forest

"The "Soul Path Activation Session" really delivered what it promised. A few days after our session, I had clarity about my "career path".


I realized I was currently on the right path with my work in writing and dance but needed to take it to a higher dimension, the soul dimension.


This realization was perfectly aligned with my gut, heart and head. Now I am slowly walking the path."




I grew up in a very conservative christian environment in East Texas where I still live. While I’m grateful for my family and those around me that invested in me, I could sense that there was both truth and much more to the story than I was being told. I had no idea what that “much more”  was and I knew deep down that the people I was supposed to go to with questions didn’t have the answers either. Throughout several occasions in my life, I’ve felt a deep vibrating sense of “God’s” (don’t get hung up on the word “God” if that’s triggering for you) love throughout my body, felt the deliciousness of presence, heard music that wasn’t being played by anyone here, or felt what I think is best described as “knowings” on a several occasions. To keep it brief, I knew deeply that whoever “God” was, it’s essence was Love and even though the dogma, teachings, actions, and scriptures that I grew up with didn’t all line up with that, I assumed that what didn’t line up, God would eventually reveal to me how it made sense. To put it like this: I grew up within a system, a culture, a way of seeing the world accompanied with certain language and terminology, I grew up within a box as most of the world does in various forms, then I had these experiences so I assumed they must be attributed to and eventually  explained by the box of belief that I grew up in. That the God that I knew was Love must be the God described by the form of Christianity I grew up in and only that one.

In my mid-twenties I left the church not originally intending to never go back but definitely feeling a pull to completely step outside of the culture that I had lived in to view it from the outside, to learn from that perspective, and to ask any question I desired regardless of whether it fit neatly inside the box I had lived in. Over the next 6 years God did reveal more of itself, first by breaking down almost all my early beliefs until all that I could comfortably and honestly say is that we are to Love God (whoever that is) and love people. The last few years God has been slowly revealing more of itself to me just like I desired when I was young but it doesn't fit inside or look like the Christian box that I grew up with. In short,I find it moving in and out of everything. I find sparks of God everywhere.

Two months ago I reached out to Sarah, feeling a pull that she was someone that I could open up to. I felt that she knew the same things I knew yet in a more embodied way and would be able to help me grow in understanding. I’m so grateful that I followed that pull! During our first session, my story was incredibly jumbled but she held space for that and tuned into what my heart was trying to get at, which is Knowing and Embodying presence for myself. not simply intellectual belief and endlessly searching for answers in books. I want to KNOW me, I want to KNOW God, I want to KNOW you not just occasionally, I want to live in that flow and from it. As I was stumbling trying to get everything out, Sarah had us pause, we breathed and brought peace and presence into the call. She helped me shift my focus to my own breath, to the presence within me. She helped remind me of the felt, lived experience of God inside of me. Calling me to look and to know within myself. How can you be skeptical of what you yourself experience inside of you? And how can you know what lies there if you never look?


She was guided to read pages from a book that directly mirrored lyrics in songs that I had written, things that I knew but that I needed to pursue. She read “So I ask you to not look within the world but to look within the heart for what you will continually find there because your truth has already been written on the heart and by seeking there and no longer in the world will you find the confirmation that you are looking for. For you do not know the truth when you hear it, you know it when it is written on your heart, it is written on your heart because it is you.” I had written 2 year prior “You are the law of love, written on our hearts, through all of history, just like the cycle of life, we make way for the breath of God.” So much of my understanding of my lyrics correlates to to what she read and spoke throughout the meeting. 


In subsequent meetings, she helped me work through breaking generational cycles of hurt, judgements, pride, and disregard, looks like. A form of “burying the hatchet” but showing what that looks like specifically in my situation. As soon as she said it, it clicked immediately, it seemed so obvious and simple yet had somehow remained elusive. It was like a light bulb I had been fumbling in the dark trying to find that she merely flipped the switch to. In doing the work after that meeting I’ve already seen so much repair with my parents. 


In parallel with our meetings I had been doing reiki, tarot, and plant medicine with a healer locally. To go into all the synchronicity between the two would take too long but the tarot cards that I received here not only spoke directly to my personal meditations, music, previous things that Sarah had said etc, but were directly in line with the tarot cards that Sarah pulled. She doesn't always use them but had felt led to use them for me not knowing that we had just done them locally. These cards continued to confirm so much that had come up in various forms regarding breaking ancestral patterns, looking within myself, letting go of my identity, serving others, and more.


Lastly, Sarah gave me more breathwork tools to settle into the stillness, to feel the energetic body, to look within, to dwell, to embody peace and love, to increase awareness and presence, to know God. I could go on for much longer, but I’ll finish with this: Sarah held non-judgemental space for me and moved through the meetings from her spirit. These two things allowed for the openness on my part, and allowed her to cut straight to the root of an issue, block, word to speak, or re-orienting of the meeting through breath and presence. Through this we covered so much territory in a short amount of time. I’m incredibly grateful for Sarah and that she has decided to share her light with others.


I look forward to meeting again!" 


Connor Walters

United States


I have worked with Sarah for a few sessions. She was incredible in guiding me figure out what messages I was getting through my dreams and more.


She helped me understand for the first time in my life what self love truly looks like and how to put that in practice. She has an inner knowing and wisdom which is extraordinarily helpful in helping her clients.


My sessions with Sarah definitely accelerated my awakening process by a lot.


What I learned with her in a few weeks took me a lot longer to learn before. They say when the student is ready the teacher arrives, perhaps I was ready but without her help I still wouldn’t have reached the understanding as fast as I did.


I highly recommend working one on one with her.. even if you are not fully ready Sarah can help identify what you need to work on and that's worth everything!

Sanjida A.

United States

Mountians and Lake

I highly recommend working one on one with Snow.


Her natural abilities to connect with source and you as a client is a life changing experience.

I am still integrating my experience, but overall the amount of release, catharsis and healing that occurred in our session has allowed me to have the courage to step into my truth in both my relationship and career.


Snow is her authentic self and it gave me the permission to also be my true self. The environment she creates is very loving, safe and open.


Thank you Snow for the work you do for others. your light is very bright and shines everywhere you go

Aimee Irene


Winding Roads

Everything you say always resonates so strongly with me, and beyond your words, your energy reminds me to remain connected to truth. Even though it has been a couple of months since our last session, I think of you often, and my journal falls open to the pages of notes that I took from the sessions, so that I can integrate more. Your words and teachings are still rippling through me. 


Since the last session, I uncovered some repressed emotions from abuse that happened when I was a child, and in healing that, my whole path has opened up before me. Nothing that happened before this moment exists or matters. I truly feel free. And your interview reminds me that it is not me that creates my path. I am walking the path of God, so all I am to do is surrender to it. 


When I released the repressed emotions, several synchronistic events led me to starting a new business with a client. We will be running retreats, starting in Fiji next year. It the most bizarre feeling to know that all we need to do is surrender and trust. I've always run my businesses from the ego, and there has always been anxiety and stress. With this business, there is an energetic force behind it that says "I don't care what you do, I'm coming, so you better get out of the way". 


Thank you for coming into my life when you did.


Much love! 

Debbie xoxox

Debbie B.


Aerial View of Beach

Tbh so much was lost on me during our actual call, and so much of your message when I replay it, I find now was spot-on, and exactly what I need to hear, now. I hadn't realized in the moment how much accuracy your message contained basically from the first moment you started speaking directly to me when our call began. Just wanted to confirm with you that-- so spot on and I'm so immensely helped by the precision of it, and Wow, thank you!


Shortly after our call I was placed in a really clear and obvious way directly in this call of medicine work and things in that way were made really apparent... before I had had my doubts. I spent some time in the pure jungle in ceremony with a shipibo curandero who opened many doors with his songs which were keys I feel, and many things took place. I've been back from that place for < 2 months now and navigating again through different landscapes and tests of patience and gliding through, trusting still learning.


Many blessings, initiations, plantings, and training. I hope it's okay that I give you an update! I am so grateful that you're here and that you shine your light in this way. I am continuing in following, once again, so appreciative of your guideposts... I still have not made my way completely through the recording yet because much of it is so dense (though many attempts), in a good way.


So grateful! THANK YOU!!!

it's so funny how much of your messages just flew right past me during our call. lol! but thank you for foreseeing and speaking to exactly what I would need to hear.

resting and receiving and following 


many blessings to you!


Dramatic Sunset

I recently completed an emotional healing therapy package with Sarah, and can say it was a deeply healing shift in my life to receive her help.


Her loving insight is a blessing, and such that by the end reflected into a deeply felt trust and comfortability within and for myself and others.


I feel so grateful to walk away with a relationship I know will support and love me within my journey, and I hers. If you’re desiring a reflection of God’s love, mwah you’ve found the right girl

Harmony Light


Wheat Field

I'm so grateful to have an experience of meeting of the souls.


I've felt connected to Sarah on a level where healing begins.


I was calm and joyful in Sarah's Presence, Wisdom and Flow.



Ivy Lee


White Flowers

Sarah is amazing! I can't even begin to describe how incredible a session with Sarah is!


She clearly is a channel for God's love, light, and wisdom. 


She has been extremely helpful in guiding me and letting me know that I'm on the right path. 


I highly recommend her!

Thanks again, I'm forever grateful!



Tamara Trejo

United States

Growing Plants

Thank you. 


You are a beautiful ray of sunshine. I woke up feeling paralyzed by fear of the impending decisions and changes and asked Prime Creator God for Grace and Guidance and then I opened this email and it was in this email in the book segments. 


Thank you... Helps me be reminded reality is never the story of fear our ego is spinning.  Resistance is my obstacle to break through. 


I love you for your love and care...

Steve Fierro


Fall Tokens

One of Sarah’s messages to the world is that we are all multidimensional spiritual beings having a human experience, lifetime after lifetime.


My life’s circumstances have been mostly favourable, and I am deeply grateful for everything I have and everyone I’ve met. Yet, despite all my blessings, I’ve been having this nagging sensation lately that, somehow along the way, I had wandered off my destined spiritual path, and that I wasn’t living my full potential.


I sensed an urgency of having to discover more about my path.

My search for answers led me to Sarah.


My Soul Path Activation session with her was mind-blowing and eye-opening. The insight and advice I received was so much more than I could have ever hoped for! From the very beginning of my session with Sarah I felt an instant connection, as if I had known her forever. She is generous and empathetic. She created a space for me where I felt safe, understood and valued. During our session, she tapped into my soul’s energy, and almost immediately certain emotional blockages and vulnerabilities came to light - a sense of guilt concerning past events, and a fear of having my trust broken again. Because I hadn’t found the courage to address these painful emotions at the time, I had buried them deep inside.


Sarah helped me realise how this had led to certain repeating patterns in the way I perceived the world and how I acted in my relationships with people (men in particular). I hadn’t been consciously aware of these patterns, and the realisation put everything into perspective.

Sarah guided the discussion with a loving compassion, and with my best interest in mind. I completely trusted her as she was channelling specific messages for me from the highest spiritual planes. I will cherish these messages, and I am going to follow through with Sarah’s precious guidance and advice.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you Sarah for spreading your light and unconditional love to the world!

Emiliya Georgieva


Orange Blossom



I wanted to thank you once again for the love and service you provide. I spent the day so calm and serene it has been a wonderful day. 


...Just wanted to let you know the gratitude I feel. I am going to try the things you recommended and I hope to talk to you again soon. 


Caylee Pak

South Korea

Dry Plants

Pensando en ti. Estoy trabajando en la conciencia pura y amo mi viaje, ha sido difĆ­cil pero estoy llegando a muchas realizaciones.


Quiero agradecerles por guiarme en este viaje y darme las herramientas para verme en mi conciencia, para ver quiƩn soy y quiƩn fui todo el tiempo.


Realmente veo la vida de manera diferente.


Estoy ampliando mi conciencia y dejando ir todos los traumas y situaciones.


Esos son objetos, no me definen. Me estoy volviendo uno con la conciencia pura.


Quiero agradecerles desde el fondo de mi corazĆ³n por mostrarme quiĆ©n soy.  


Eres fabuloso. Te amo. 

Becky Butz


Rose Flower

Ā”QuĆ© navegante eres, Snow!

Bendiciones y alabanzas a ti, a tu trabajo, a tu corazĆ³n infinitamente amoroso.


Para cualquiera que estĆ© leyendo esto, he  llegar a darme cuenta de que, tarde o temprano, todos estamos abandonados, traicionados, destrozados de alguna manera, todos y cada uno de nosotros.


Una vez deshecho, todos nos enfrentamos a una profunda elecciĆ³n: quedarnos dormidos en el puerto turbio de nuestro propio sufrimiento o zarpar en los mares de la estridente aventura espiritual, a travĆ©s de los relĆ”mpagos, los truenos, los escarpados bancos de la verdad. sanaciĆ³n - y de regreso a nosotros mismos.  


Entonces, ĀæcĆ³mo sumergirse en las profundidades, abrazar a los cĆ­clopes, las hidras, las gorgonas de nuestras sombras sagradas? Te animo a que encuentres tu coraje, luego te acerques a Snow y le pidas que tome el timĆ³n para dirigir el barco.


Ella navegĆ³ por estos mares ella misma, tiene el mapa del tesoro, te llevarĆ” a salvo hacia todos.


ĀæY luego? 

De repente te encontrarĆ”s emergiendo de las profundidades a la brillante luz del sol de QuiĆ©n eres realmente.  


ĀæEstĆ”s listo? 

Steven Starr

Estados Unidos

Wooden Window

Estoy mĆ”s que bendecida de trabajar con Sarah. No solo es un ser humano excepcional; tambiĆ©n es profundamente sabia y conocedora de su campo de especializaciĆ³n.


Cuando fui a verla me encontraba muy mal y en el menor tiempo ella me ayudĆ³ a superar y superar mi dolor crĆ³nico y otras Ć”reas de malestar fĆ­sico.


Sinceramente, no puedo recomendarla lo suficiente.

Hermoso por dentro y por fuera.


Como terapeuta de trauma profesional, conozco la importancia de una conexiĆ³n de corazĆ³n a corazĆ³n y Sarah aporta esto y mucho mĆ”s.


Ella es un verdadero ejemplo de un Ć”ngel de amor, luz y sanaciĆ³n.


Carmel Clark



Sarah se mantiene clara, segura

espacio amoroso y cimentado

para que viaje en su camino a travƩs de lugares de profunda resistencia emocional.


Este viaje con ella ha sido uno de los mƔs transformadores de mi vida.

Debbie Anders

Estados Unidos


Creo que mucha de tu sabidurĆ­a aterriza como una semilla que no siempre reconozco el potencial, al principio, pero afortunadamente dejo que eche raĆ­ces.


Incluso en unas pocas semanas, la escritura de mi diario y la publicaciĆ³n en lĆ­nea me muestran un nivel creciente de comprensiĆ³n y aceptaciĆ³n dentro de mĆ­ mismo, de una conciencia cĆ³smica que no vi ni accedĆ­ por completo hasta que trabajĆ© contigo ...


Ā”Esto, por supuesto, representa un potencial sin explotar con el que solo puedo empezar a soƱar! La idea de confiar en mi naturaleza intuitiva es algo con lo que luchĆ© en el pasado, debido en parte a vivir desde una perspectiva del cerebro izquierdo las 24 horas del dĆ­a, los 7 dĆ­as de la semana.


Ahora, como se mencionĆ³ anteriormente, me estoy redescubriendo a mĆ­ mismo en lo que se siente como un nivel de propĆ³sito del alma, Ā”que se siente completamente familiar!

Esta esencia central, que habĆ­a sido cubierta por la cultivaciĆ³n y la domesticaciĆ³n, estĆ” renaciendo a travĆ©s de la aceptaciĆ³n de mi verdadera naturaleza.


He llegado a reconocer mi intuiciĆ³n como una seƱal, relevante para todo mi viaje, que me indica la direcciĆ³n correcta, que es hacia adentro y hacia la verdad.


Sabu - GuĆ­a de reconstrucciĆ³n

Estados Unidos

Pebbles on the Sand

Acabo de tener una sesiĆ³n increĆ­ble con Sarah Snow en Labyrinth Holistic Health  Ā”hoy dia!


Ā”El universo es tan bueno cuando permites que la gracia y la gratitud fluyan a travĆ©s de ti!


PublicarĆ© esta sesiĆ³n en mi canal de YouTube para cualquier persona que busque orientaciĆ³n, sabidurĆ­a y amor para integrarse.

A travƩs de estos tiempos difƭciles y turbulentos, Dios, la conciencia de Cristo y la Fuente estƔn esperando que nos abramos y fluya con nosotros.


ĀæDebemos tomar una decisiĆ³n?


Nuestro viaje es uno de la eternidad donde la felicidad, la seguridad y el amor son nuestros con solo pedirlo.


Sea la luz que quiere ver en el mundo.


Aaron Landon

Estados Unidos

Abstract Portrait

Vine a Snow para una sesiĆ³n de limpieza de energĆ­a de Reiki en persona en su casa.


La nieve fue increĆ­ble ...

Amaba su energĆ­a,


Ā”Es una sanadora increĆ­ble y la recomiendo mucho!

Mn Ivy



Unos dĆ­as antes de sentarme con Sarah Snow, le pedĆ­ al universo "aceleraciĆ³n".


Wow ... cumpliĆ³ con eso.


TodavĆ­a siento los efectos profundos de estar con su energĆ­a.

Todo mi espĆ­ritu se expandiĆ³ y abriĆ³ de manera significativa.


Desde entonces, me he encontrado con una serendipia grave en mi vida que ha acelerado mi direcciĆ³n hacia mi propĆ³sito y posiciĆ³n en esta vida.


Gracias Sarah.

Eres fabuloso.


Allison Liss


White Lillies

Mi experiencia en Labyrinth Holistic Health fue increĆ­ble.


La capacidad de Snow para escuchar y evaluar su trauma pasado, para seƱalar dĆ³nde puede haber bloqueos emocionales que necesitan ser sanados para mĆ­, es la parte mĆ”s importante del proceso.  


Para que podamos crecer espiritualmente, tenemos que lidiar con lo que nos detiene.

Ella me dio las herramientas que necesitaba para sanar y las tengo para usar por el resto de mi vida.


Esta fue una experiencia que me cambiĆ³ la vida y continuarĆ© aprendiendo y progresando con Labyrinth Holistic Health.


Te lo recomiendo mucho.


Lethan Williams

Estados Unidos

Ocean Water

He tenido una sesiĆ³n con Snow hasta ahora y ella tiene una presencia increĆ­ble y es un alma increĆ­blemente sabia.


Ella me dio algunos consejos increĆ­bles para ayudarme con mi viaje y ella es esta vasta conciencia que no puedo explicar con palabras.


Me hablĆ³ como si fuera yo, pero ni siquiera yo me conozco tan bien como ella me conocĆ­a.

GanĆ© mucha claridad en una sesiĆ³n hasta ahora.


Ella comprende perfectamente dĆ³nde se encuentra en su viaje.


Ella seƱalĆ³ ciertas cosas en mĆ­ que no estaban en mi conciencia y arrojĆ³ luz en aquellas Ć”reas en las que necesitaba algo de claridad.


Ella es un alma tan asombrosa y puede guiarlo a travĆ©s de su viaje y alinearlo con su Camino de Almas.  


Bella Wahabzada

Estados Unidos

Great Leap

Trabajar con Snow Forest ha sido una hermosa bendiciĆ³n.


Nos alineamos despuĆ©s de una experiencia que tuve al escuchar tocar la puerta de mi habitaciĆ³n en medio de la noche, lo que inicialmente pensĆ© que era un intruso, pero luego nos dimos cuenta de que no era una persona real en mi casa, sino un contacto de otro reino. .


Es muy probable que mi yo superior intentara despertarme y protegerme de la oscuridad a la que me estaba sumiendo despuĆ©s de una lesiĆ³n importante en la espalda.


DespuĆ©s de nuestra primera sesiĆ³n supe que tenĆ­a que continuar este viaje con ella.  


Ella me hizo sentir segura, amada, abrazada y cuidada, con mucha compasiĆ³n y empatĆ­a.


Tengo un libro lleno de sus descargas que me han ayudado a conectar los puntos en el viaje de mi alma y, a su vez, me he sentido guiado al ver mis propias sombras, patrones de comportamiento y lugares donde necesito posicionarme en la vida. Ella es autƩntica y nunca he sentido ninguna incomodidad en su presencia.


Le he hablado mientras viajaba por el mundo y siempre en el momento justo.  


Ā”Recomiendo mucho trabajar con ella!


Jessi Kohoutek


Soothing Bell

Snow estĆ” increĆ­blemente dotada de gracia, humildad y sabidurĆ­a oracular.


Nunca he conocido a alguien que se haya sentido tan cerca de casa como cuando hablo con ella.


Tal facilidad en la receptividad a su guĆ­a prevalece durante semanas despuĆ©s de una sesiĆ³n.


Simplemente mejora, valida y reconforta la vida.

"Cada momento desciende sobre nosotros una nieve"


ArmonĆ­a Aura

Estados Unidos


DespuĆ©s de dejar mi primera * sesiĆ³n en persona con Snow, sentĆ­ un empoderamiento que se mantuvo durante semanas.


Me sentƭ genuinamente visto, comprendido y guiado de una manera que nadie mƔs me habƭa ofrecido jamƔs.


No puedo recomendar conocer a Snow lo suficiente.


Ella tiene un don.

Meredith Elzea


Countryside Road_edited.jpg

Wow!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing gift  with me. 


I was desperate for help and direction and wanted to learn of all the unconscious things that were causing me grief and holding me back in this life. 


I prayed to God Eternal - the Divine Source Energy, the Everything that is Everything - for help, and the next day I was presented with Sarah Snow Forest on Mel Denyce's podcast and I knew within minutes my prayer had been answered. 


I didn't, however realize the extent of Sarah's God-given gift; it was like she could invite my mind into her mind and see/know me on many different levels/areas. 


She is a truly gifted, sensitive and caring soul who's here to help those of us who are open, ready to hear and wanting to grow into their full love/light potential.


Thank you, Sarah.

Thank you, Everything.

Love Eternal.

Vic P.


Dandelion Parachute Seed

One of Sarah’s messages to the world is that we are all multidimensional spiritual beings having a human experience, lifetime after lifetime.


My life’s circumstances have been mostly favourable, and I am deeply grateful for everything I have and everyone I’ve met.


Yet, despite all my blessings, I’ve been having this nagging sensation lately that, somehow along the way, I had wandered off my destined spiritual path, and that I wasn’t living my full potential. I sensed an urgency of having to discover more about my path.


My search for answers led me to Sarah. My Soul Path Activation session with her was mind-blowing and eye-opening. The insight and advice I received was so much more than I could have ever hoped for!


From the very beginning of my session with Sarah I felt an instant connection, as if I had known her forever. She is generous and empathetic. She created a space for me where I felt safe, understood and valued.


During our session, she tapped into my soul’s energy, and almost immediately certain emotional blockages and vulnerabilities came to light - a sense of guilt concerning past events, and a fear of having my trust broken again.


Because I hadn’t found the courage to address these painful emotions at the time, I had buried them deep inside.


Sarah helped me realize how this had led to certain repeating patterns in the way I perceived the world and how I acted in my relationships with people (men in particular).


I hadn’t been consciously aware of these patterns, and the realisation put everything into perspective.


Sarah guided the discussion with a loving compassion, and with my best interest in mind. I completely trusted her as she was channelling specific messages for me from the highest spiritual planes.


I will cherish these messages, and I am going to follow through with Sarah’s precious guidance and advice.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you Sarah for spreading your light and unconditional love to the world!

Countryside Road

Two years ago, I reached out to Sarah to gain some perspective on my life and what direction I should be heading in. I was feeling lost and uncertain of myself. After hearing Sarah speak on a podcast, I was convinced that she could help me discover my true identity and path.


During our recorded sessions, Sarah listened to me patiently as we worked through my roadblocks. Through our conversations, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and my unique gifts.


Thanks to Sarah's guidance, I am now on a path that feels authentic and fulfilling, and I am excited to see where it leads me.


Scott G.

United States

Pampas Grass

Prior to my first session with Snow, I was in severe physical pain, feeling hopeless, running on empty, and deeply malnourished spiritually, looping on the same issues, like a broken record. Because of this, I was in a chronic state of anxiety and profound disempowerment that was cutting me off from my own inborn creative capacities and solidity as a man. It was getting hard for me to trust in life’s goodness and be positive. Like Snow, I am a guide who supports people to have profound shifts that enable them to come into precision clarity on their life, but no one’s perfect and at times we all need conscious allies advocating for us to show us another way, to rally for the real Spirit inside when we have forgotten how to believe.


Sometimes we simply need a pure, trustworthy heart to boldly perform the risky cut to sever what is blocking the flow of our power in order to connect us to something greater—a more holistic Divine Order. Snow is an oracle and like a psychic surgeon. What led me to seek Snow’s counsel is her compassionate wisdom. She’s no ordinary woman: she is gentle yet at the same time lovingly fierce, a primordial mystic who feels and is attuned to subtle levels of awareness that even some of the greatest guides rarely have access to.

What I appreciated the most about our work together was the way in which she dialed into the heart and core of the matter beneath all of the issues I was struggling while simultaneously weaving all the parts into a greater, holistic tapestry, a theme that I could actually begin to unravel on my own.


Due to her near-death experience, Snow is all love and has no resistance to the flow of life, which makes her an open channel for miraculous insights to flow through her vessel on behalf of those she assists. Her process is very fluid and subtly powerful, like water, and she has an impeccable way of delivering exactly the activations that your soul is thirsting for. My biggest “aha” came after the session in my integration. It’s as though the pieces of the puzzle regarding the underlying causes of my suffering were finally making themselves apparent to me, and this created a cascade of tremendous inner healing. I began having my own next-level mystical revelations. Following the session, my pain lessened, and it was as though my heart was smiling once again at the sheer delight of life.


To commune with Snow in a sacred space let alone be guided by her is to receive some of the most beautiful soul medicine you never imagined existed. Her skillful guidance led me back to my Self in a way that I am eternally grateful for. After the session, I found myself easily breaking through a core wound that had plagued me all my life. I am still integrating the session 1 month later. This work is perfect for open-hearted spiritual seekers who are adamant about perceiving and discerning their life from a higher perspective and want to break through.


If you have serious questions and are seeking definitive answers of the mystical variety, I urge you to get support from Snow. Her Divine messages will likely rivet your being and spark an inner revolution, as they did for me and countless others. My deep love, care, admiration, and celebration to you Snow…thank you for being—the miracle—who you are, a gift to the world.

Aaron Luminous Hearth

United States

Sunset in the Woods

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Sarah.   


She has addressed my health issues with compassion and kindness and gave me many ideas to help myself get healthy again after over 30 years.


Her intuition of feeling my pain was spot on.


I hope to stay in future contact if I need any further help with my issues because she is so approachable.

Shirley B.


Fresh Flower

Sarah was kind, sincere, and super present during our session. She shared insights that totally resonated with my whole being! I feel clearer and more aligned after just one session.


She’s truly gifted and sincere. I never felt rushed and knew I was safe to share.


I HIGHLY recommend working with Sarah. I also can’t wait to talk with her again soon and I’m certain that you’ll feel the same after meeting her

Rachel H.

United States

Muddy Beach


I was a wee bit nervous because I was coming into a brand new space. I didn’t need to be articulate- there were no opinions..just a heart to heart. Yes, she met me where I was. We held a loving space open and shared our joy of continuing the growth of our hearts..deepening our experience within the Beloved. We shared our dreams for the expansion of all hearts. Sarah makes herself very available- a true conduit. I’m overjoyed to have CONNECTED.

Natalie McGuire

United States

Basket and Wild Flowers

The story is what did it for me!


I reached the same point in my life and I HAD to meet you! And I did. 


My life will never be the same!


Thank you for sharing!!!!


I've helped so many souls in just one year after meeting with you. 


Your story ignited every DNA cell in my entire body when I heard it. And I had listened to thousands and thousands of stories after my mom passed/ascended. Every single word you spoke woke up my cells and I needed to know why.


Me booking with you is something I can’t explain I was able to do at that point in my life especially without someone with me for support. I knew I needed to speak with you and asap, I was on zoom with you literally 4 days after I saw you on YouTube.


I never listened to another story again after you looking for answers


I am so proud of who you are and who you fought to bring to the surface for yourself but ultimately souls like me & importantly mother Gaia/earth.


I can only receive or give light messages, positive messages to souls and I believe it’s because the activation I got with you is light, love, positive energy.

Melissa Bruno 

United States

White Theme Bouquet

Sarah is an incredible channel for Spirit. She is a fountain of living water!

Our session was a supercharged divine appointment, full of confirmation, affirmation and encouragement. She brought clarity to those places where I was unclear.

The theme of our time together was Divine Union, and we interfaced together from that place of transcendent unity. I came away with renewed energy and purpose.

Our session was so rich, I’ll be returning to our conversation again and again. I can safely mark our meeting as my launchpad into the future.

It was one of the most precious experiences I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Sarah. xo

Memorial Red Rose

Thank you so much for the amazing session. It is helping tremendously already.


I love and appreciate your beautiful Divine essence radiating joy,


Truth, and Love, a healing balm for us all.

Jennie Anahata

United States

Yellow Flowers

I had a fantastic experience working with Sarah to help resolve my young son's epilepsy.


Sarah was able to intuit extremely helpful suggestions to bring his overall health into a more balanced state.


This led to huge improvements not only in terms of the seizures but also his sleep and overall contentment. Sarah approached our sessions with sensitivity and openness, which I feel allowed them to flow in a very organic way.


I much preferred this to more formulaic approaches we've tired previously, as it felt like she always made the effort to understand.


Through our discussions Sarah also led me to see a much bigger picture in which my own path and my son's are intimately connected.


This has left me with a renewed sense of purpose, especially with regard to the 'little things' in life.


Altogether I found my time working with Sarah very beautiful and I am truly grateful for the experience, which has been one of the most meaningful of my life.


Paul Anderson

United Kingdom

Autumn Road

That day changed my life.


I knew I had to leave the relationship I was in and begin to dismantle the white picket fence. 

Raina Lutz



Sarah, I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are a BEAUTIFUL SOUL


You spoke 100% the truth and thank you for peeling the layers. You gave me understanding, clarity and affirm what I knew all along, I needed this, you guiding me...


I am overflowing with gratitude.

Veronica Cerva

South Africa


Thank you Sarah for our session, ever since I've been learning how to bring my stress down by breathing exercises and as simple as it sounds its helped me tremendously. 


The conversation we had also gave me insight into my past trauma and the affects it still has on me today. 


I am learning to forgive others as well as myself. 

I still have a little ways to go but I'm on the right path and now have the necessary tools. 


I'm forever grateful and highly recommend a session. 

Lethan Williams

United States


Words cannot begin to describe my transformation in the last few months.


I first saw Snow 3 months ago when I was ungrounded, lost and fragmented. I had been going through one of the hardest times in my life. My encounters with Snow take me out of the false perception of reality, break it all down in the most loving and gentle way (but still intense), and even though she isn't physically here with me as I journey through my life day to day, her words and energy are carried with me. She has taught me that no matter how dark it seems, it is all grace and all perfect. 


Her faith, her trust, and her belief in the highest part of me lift me to a higher and higher vibration each day, and I am reminded of who I really am. She has an energy of pure love, acceptance and compassion, and holds space for me powerfully even though she is on the other side of the world. 


I have seen many healers, psychics and coaches, and I have never trusted anyone in the way I trust Snow. Everything she suggests for me aligns with my soul, so I do everything she suggests. This has assisted in a big transformation in such a short period of time. I am so deeply honoured to be on this journey with her.

Thank you, Snow, for what you do. xoxoxox

Debbie Baharian



Querida hermana, siento un despertar de algo diferente en mi interior; una agitaciĆ³n de sentimientos, una expansiĆ³n en el corazĆ³n y tiene una voz. Es silencioso, pero tiene presencia y se siente respaldado por un ocĆ©ano de fuerza.


Estoy caminando con Ć©l con suavidad, presenciando y dĆ”ndole espacio y tiempo para que tome forma natural. Ā”Ā”Estoy emocionado!!  


Me alegro de haber actuado en el momento y haber buscado tu sabidurĆ­a eterna, tu poder y tu cuidado terrenal.


Eres un mentor de umbral, un Vidente para los buscadores, llamĆ”ndolos a salir de las arenas movedizas de la incertidumbre y guiĆ”ndolos por los caminos de la regeneraciĆ³n y la liberaciĆ³n.  


Usted es una mujer firme y poderosa sobre los pilares de fuerza que Dios le dio.  


Eres un Ćŗtero de la creaciĆ³n, invitando al sueƱo, aceptĆ”ndolo y expresĆ”ndolo con amor. Le devuelves la fuerza a los inseguros. Como la madre divina, eres un nutriente.  


Que todas las mujeres ocupen su lugar, se apoderen de sus hombres, hijos e hijas y los regulen con el amor que crece.  


Bendiciones y amor

Selase Dugbaza


Beach at Sunset

Fui a Snow en busca de apoyo para curar mi Ćŗtero, ovario y para regular mis hormonas y emociones.


Era como si supiera lo que me estaba pasando antes de que yo llegara. Su escucha empĆ”tica, su presencia y sus reflejos encendieron mi propia intuiciĆ³n mĆ”s profunda y mi autoconciencia.  


Ella me ofreciĆ³ una variedad de anclas vibratorias, percepciones emocionales y medicina.  


Ā”Unos meses despuĆ©s de la implementaciĆ³n, mis hormonas y emociones se han regulado significativamente!


Este es un cambio de vida total.

La nieve es una forma de ducha.  Ella guĆ­a con mucha compasiĆ³n, facilidad y amor.  


Ā”Estoy agradecido de haber trabajado con ella y recomendarĆ­a sus servicios!  


Leah Barsher



La nieve ha cambiado mi VIDA.

He trabajado con ella durante aproximadamente 6-7 aƱos y ella me ha apoyado en mi viaje espiritual y tambiƩn en mi viaje de SALUD GUT.

Recientemente, luchando con mi salud intestinal, Snow realmente me guiĆ³ hacia un yo mĆ”s saludable y feliz.


Ā”Muchas gracias!

Jetty Ly


Tropical Plant

Snow es realmente alguien a quien presto mucha atenciĆ³n mientras habla.


He aprendido mucho de ella sobre vivir en un estado de alta vibraciĆ³n, abrir el corazĆ³n y tomar decisiones desde la intuiciĆ³n.


Ella es una de esas personas que realmente puede provocar un sentido expandido de potencial en quienes la rodean.


Ā”ConĆ©ctese con Sarah si estĆ” buscando avivar el fuego de su inspiraciĆ³n!


Ā”Ā”Vivir mĆ”s alineado con tu verdadero propĆ³sito !!


ConƩctate con ella y mƭralo pasar


Will Deroode 

Hiking Boots

Muchas gracias a Snow Forest de "Labyrinth Holistic Health" ya Tamara McLellan de "My Wild Heart" por brindarme una experiencia de un dĆ­a que ha cambiado mi vida.  Esta existencia terrenal por asĆ­ decirlo.


Sarah y Tamara se unieron para ofrecer el taller mƔs increƭble de todos los tiempos:


  "Viviendo una vida plenamente consciente"

en el Ɣrea de Big White / Kelowna en CanadƔ


Fueron mĆ”s allĆ” en lo que proporcionaron a nuestro grupo; el dĆ­a fue abundante en conocimientos y actividades (yoga, senderismo, discusiĆ³n, meditaciĆ³n, comida, tĆ©).


Conectado con otros, marinado en la naturaleza y vitamina D; de verdad, no podrƭa haber pedido mƔs.


Esperando con agrado el prĆ³ximo evento.


Ā”Gracias! Namaste

Andrea Tomlinson


Palm Trees Beach View

Guau. Mi sesiĆ³n fue hace casi una semana y todavĆ­a estoy completamente, maravillosamente aturdida.


Fue un verdadero honor hablar y conectarme con Sarah. Ella me ayudĆ³ a ver mi verdadero yo y mi camino y afirmĆ³ aĆŗn mĆ”s lo que ya sabĆ­a en el fondo.


Estoy absolutamente impresionado por su don e intuiciĆ³n.


Aunque la sesiĆ³n fue virtual, realmente pude sentir la calidez de su amor y apoyo hacia mĆ­ y mi viaje aquĆ­.


Gracias, Sarah, por compartir tu don para ayudar a elevar a la humanidad y ayudarnos a ver un camino mƔs claro. Tanto amor.


Nos vemos en mi prĆ³xima sesiĆ³n.


JazmĆ­n williams

Estados Unidos

Snow Forest Road

Sara tiene un conocimiento dentro de ella que es tan sabio y tan tranquilizador ... La recomiendo mucho.


SabĆ­a cosas de mi vida y de mĆ­ sin que yo dijera nada.


Ā”Las palabras no pueden transmitir lo mĆ”s allĆ” de lo intuitivo que es!

Rachel Stone

Estados Unidos

Mount Fuji in the Spring

Es una experiencia que te deja boquiabierto cuando te comunicas con Snow.!


Alma nutritiva para conectarse con ella, ya que ella se "encontrarĆ”" con usted en cualquier lugar de su viaje / propĆ³sito / misiĆ³n en la tierra.

Tina Marie Bueno

Estados Unidos

Abstract Background

Tuve un par de dĆ­as maravillosos despuĆ©s de la sesiĆ³n.  Me sentĆ­ tan empoderada y mĆ”gica ...

Fue indescriptible cĆ³mo me ves.


Me sentĆ­ profundamente reconocido de una manera que se podĆ­a capturar la esencia del reconocimiento con la famosa frase de la pelĆ­cula Avatar "Te veo".


Nuestras energĆ­as combinadas fueron estimulantes ... WOW


Madison Markis


Rustic Beach Path

ExperimentƩ un poderoso cambio energƩtico anoche, descargas masivas que solo mi alma puede interpretar. No tengo palabras para describir la experiencia porque no tengo nada con quƩ compararla, para darle un nombre. Esta mente solo puede describirlo como absolutamente asombroso, completamente alucinante jajaja ...

Saber que jugaste un papel como trabajador de la luz y regresaste solo para mi ascensiĆ³n solo * la oveja perdida * ya antes es abrumador en la mente 3D. La esencia pura del sacrificio es = AMOR 

Melissa Bruno
Estados Unidos

Plant Biology

Durante el Ćŗltimo aƱo y medio, Snow ha actuado como un amigo de confianza y un guĆ­a, apoyando mis transiciones internas con amor, aliento y perspicacia.


Es increĆ­blemente reconfortante para mĆ­ saber que puedo llamar a Sarah cuando estoy pasando por diferentes cambios y temas en mi vida, desde la salud, la muerte y el agravio, hasta las relaciones y los asuntos del espĆ­ritu.


Dicho esto, recomiendo encarecidamente trabajar con Snow para una amplia gama de consultas y asistencia.


Ā”Ha sido un regalo tan hermoso en mi vida! "

Payton Pereux


Home Decor

He tenido dos sesiones increĆ­bles con Sarah.


Ella es como una amiga perdida hace mucho tiempo que nunca supe que tenĆ­a.  


Ā”Ella ha cambiado mi vida!  


QuĆ© bendiciĆ³n tenerla en mi vida. ella me revelĆ³ lo que probablemente mi alma estaba tratando de decirme durante mucho tiempo. SeguĆ­ su guĆ­a y he sido extremadamente feliz desde entonces.  


La recomiendo mucho si quieres saber cuĆ”l es el propĆ³sito de tu alma en esta vida.  


Tamara Trejo

Estados Unidos

Autumn Road

Recomiendo mucho a Sarah. Ha traĆ­do un gran alivio a mi salud en general en un mes.


Ella es muy intuitiva y talentosa.


Planeo aceptar su ayuda para salir de mi enfermedad crĆ³nica relacionada con el intestino.  Amo su energĆ­a tranquila y amorosa. .

Vineeta  Srivastava Desai  


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Blue Waters

AlineaciĆ³n de la ruta del alma y sanaciĆ³n holĆ­stica con Snow Forest

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